A histogram takes data sets and maps them out in a graph form with set ranges between the bars of the graph. This is a fictitous map demonstrating the salary distribution of the Acme company. You can see that the highest number of employees make between 44 and 55 thousand dollars a year.
This is a range graded proportional circle map. Each circle represents a specific range of the population in Canada in 2006. Each circle size represents an exact, rather than a continuous, number in the data set.
DOQQ stands for Digital Orthophoto Quarter Quadrangle. A quadrangle is equal to a 7.5 minute square of latitude and longitude. Thus, a DOQQ is one quarter the size of a quadrangle, or 3.75 by 3.75 minutes.
This Lorenz curve shows income distribution across different percentages of the population. Lorenz curves are commonly used to portray income distribution across the population.
A cartographic animation is a map that has moving aspects which show us what could happen under certain circumstances. In this case, the animation shows what would happen as the water came in from the coast and flooded the coastal area.
The term DRG refers to digital raster graphics. Digital raster graphics come from the United States Geological Survey. These graphics are forms of topographical maps.